Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Wednesday's Walk

Last week we had a period of freezing rain - Thursday night into Friday morning. 

The ground did not freeze, but all the trees and shrubs did.




Fence and roses

Douglas fir


Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Just Three Photos

Design - "Twin Hearts"
Designer - Brightneedle
Fabric - 28 count cream linen
Fibers - Anchor - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - February 2011
Competed - 14 March 2011

Just three photos today. 


The pair of crows have returned.

And a Band-tailed Pigeon or two shows up every day or so.
It's way early to see them here, so each time I report to eBird, I make the Lane County Rare Birds Report.

And what a nice surprise. I had two Red-breasted Nuthatches at the Big Bird Feeder.

Monday, February 17, 2025

The Jays and More

Design - Make Do #11 - "Love" (kit)
Designer - Shakespeare's Peddler
Fabric - 32 count Rosy Pink linen
Fibers - unknown - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 28 February 2013
Completed - 5 March 2013 

The Jays...

A California Scrub Jay

A Steller's Jay drinking from an icy fountain.

Most birds have to tip back their heads to swallow the water they drink. 

What a complicated feather pattern.
And blue feather are weird as most are not really blue, it is the light reflecting on the feathers that makes them appear blue.

Now for a little guy.
Male Lesser Goldfinch.

And a tree full of Pine Siskins.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sunday's Hummers

Sorry, I am late this morning.

A female Anna's

What is she perched on?

Any guesses?

It's the top of a nesting box (for a much larger bird).
Plus hummingbirds doe NOT use nesting boxes.

And here's the pretty male Anna's.

We had some freezing rain on Thursday and Friday.

The hummers made it through the bad weather just fine.

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Saturday's Critters

 A bit of snow and freezing rain as made for an interesting week.

And it turned out to be all about squirrels.

Two at a a time.

Nothing can stop those guys!

Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentine's Day

Design - "Love Your Hearts"
Designer - DMC
Fabric - 32 count white linen
Started - 29 April 2009
Completed - 3 May 2009
Uses DMC variegated floss 

Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

Here are two cards I'd like to share.

The first was sent to my great-grandmother Janet McAdam in 1911.

Valentine to Janet McAdam - February 1911 - front

Valentine - 1911 Inside - Page 1

Valentine - 1911 - Inside - Page 2

Valentine - 1911 - from Roy Stachwick perhaps

Two months later Janet McAdam married Willard Lowe Waning not the sender of the card!

The second car is a Valentine my grandmother sent to my grandfather while they were dating (pre-1936). 

Valentine - from Margaret to Jim - pre 1936 (front)

Valentine - from Margaret to Jim - per 1936 (inside).

They were married for 71 years!