Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Snow Ready!

As promised, my next project is wintry! I'm a fan of Val's snow-guys. I think I've stitched up six or seven of them, and have three or four more ready to go. This one uses Crescent Colors, and the sentiment, "Let it Snow" is timely as I woke up this morning to a skiff of snow on the ground and possible snow showers through this morning.  We do not get snow often, so I continue to be as excited decades later as I was as a school aged child.  There is a pristine beauty to a snowy landscape that is unmatched.

For the Tuesday Garden Party, the theme is "Gifts From the Garden."  I have nothing unique or crafty to share beyond a nice bouquet or two. My take is to turn the theme to "Gifts For the Garden".

Several weeks ago I ordered a small Juliana lean-to green house kit...a gift to myself and my gardening efforts.  The kit arrived in a skajillion pieces in one small box. Really amazing engineering and packaging.  The assembly guide though, was an incomprehensible Ikea-like nightmare.  Fortunately I was able to find some additional detailed assembly instructions on line.  Even then, without the help of my father, there would be no greenhouse.    

It took us several sessions to get the greenhouse put together.  But now with the cold weather having arrived, I have my fuchsias and some other tender perennials all tucked away warm and dry. 


blue star stitcher said...

That greenhouse looks really complicated just from the pics. Congratulations, more than 1 page of directions is too much for me!

homeclynn said...

Please report in April how well this greenhouse performed and held-up. I am in the market for one next fall.
Thanks from Oklahoma.

Pas de blabla... Juste des photos said...

I love your greenhouse, You give me a idea, I may make one like yours.

Anonymous said...

OOhh I am so jealous of the greenhouse.

Athena at Minerva's Garden said...

What a neat greenhouse--good luck with it!

Dandelion and Daisy said...

It is a nice looking greenhouse, it will be interesting to hear how it works. It's going to get cold enough to give it a real test, atleast this week, and they say there is more to come this winter.

Jami @ An Oregon Cottage said...

What a great use of space- I like that one, except for the put-together part. :-)

I'm better late than never here at An Oregon Cottage. :-)