Sunday, October 2, 2016

Sunday's Hummers

I am seeing more male Anna's Hummingbirds than females.

Here a male sits atop a young Douglas fir tree.

Here's another one!

The play of light on the feathers is everything.
Rather dull...


...and back again.

This is another male.

An aggressive one... 

...if not so brightly colored.

And here's a juvenile male.

just a small triangle of color on his throat.


Margaret said...

So cute! Love hummers!

Robin in Virginia said...

Your hummers look great. Most of ours have started their journey south. You can tell fall has arrived -- the hummingbirds are leaving and the stinkbugs are returning.

Frances said...

SO pretty--I love the brilliant colors!

Barb said...

They are such wonderful little birds!