Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Saturday Drive

Next up on my stitching agenda The Trilogy's "Happy Bunny Bunny Day". I decided to do something Springish in nature and I love the pink floral buttons which augment this design.

Okay - I know almost the entire USA has been basking in sunshine and warm temperatures, while we in the Pacific NW shiver with rain, hail, snow and cold temperatures.  Because the weather has been so unremittingly ugly lately, there's no Wednesday Walk this week.

Let's take a Saturday drive instead! 
Yep, there was snow in them-there hills when we began our drive north to rural Junction City, OR.

On the valley floor, some signs of spring: Green, green fields!  

And did I mention this was a 'Daffodil Drive'.

It's so refreshing to see daffodils on a gray mid-March day.

I had to include this gal!  I think she needs a good orthodontist!  

Still more daffs... 

Ferguson Road - a narrow, rural road.  

Slow down - turkeys in the road!  And we are courting so playing no attention to traffic. 

Further daffs...

This time of year, flocks of sheep are brought down to fields in the Willamette Valley for lambing season.  As we drove north we saw two turkey vultures in a field of sheep (a sign of someone's demise).  That was not unusual, but their companion at the dinner table was:  A Bald Eagle!  I was not able to get a photo from our car, but someone else did - here's the link to their photograph.  Bald Eagles also winter here, so it is not unusual to see one. 
On our trip homewe saw another Bald Eagle.  This one was perched in a tree overlooking a pond and watching the fishermen - hoping for a handout!

I hope you enjoyed our drive - next week we'll take a walk - weather permitting!


Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for your Saturday Drive photos, all those daffs are beautiful.

I like your new project, colours are lovely.

Happy stitching.

learningtable said...

I enjoyed going on that drive with you. It's amazing how many beautiful sights you can see when you look out the windows.

Tricia said...

Wonderful choice for your next stitching project! I need to add that one and the LK design you just did to my wish list. Love them!!


Deb said...

I need to get Happy Bunny Bunny Day out and work on it! It is such a cute pattern! I got a good giggle regard the llama needing an orthodontist! LOL Your scenery there is absolutely beautiful!

Barb said...

Maybe if we stitch about spring it will come! Your drive pictures were very pretty. We see bald eagles every so often, they still give me a thrill.

Mouse said...

ohhh that bunny is sooooo cute :) and lovely drive and mmmm can recommend a good orthodontist ;) love mouse xxxxx

Ann at Beadlework. said...

Seeing the turkeys at the side of the road made me smile.

Maggee said...

I should have that bunny chart by the end of this week, mail permitting my haul of stash to arrive! All those daffodils are wonderful! It poured ferociously here a few hours ago, so my poor daff and narcissus are lying down right now. Bet they perk by tomorrow morning! Hugs!

Jeanne said...

Well it looks like spring is trying to get there - flowers are blooming even though it's still cold and rainy. Happy Happy Bunny Day is a fun chart, I stitched it a few years back and it's always fun to put it on display for spring.

Veronica said...

Cute new project and pretty pictures. I love the photo of the llama. She seems to be grinning at me ^.^
