Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Wow 100 Followers!

Wow - 100 Followers! 
When I began this blog in June 2009, I never imagined there would come a day when people - lots of people - chose to read my blog on a regular basis.  For months and months and months my readership consisted of me, my sister, and my Mom...and that was good as it allowed me to find my blogging voice, polish up my photography, and get a rhythm to this exercise.
So now - again - WOW! 
I appreciate your commitment to reading my blog - regularly, and I hope that at least once in a while there is a post or photo that brightens your day, as your comments brighten mine.   

I was minding my own business the other day, messing about on Etsy, when this lot (30 skeins) of Six Sweet Strands called my name in a siren chorus... it sounded a lot like the Hallelujah Chorus actually! 

Crazy as I don't even know of a designer who uses Six Sweet Strands, but the colors and quantity seduced me, and I can't say I'm sorry.

I've mentioned, several times probably, that I a mad for "Garden Art" - so to celebrate The Tuesday Garden Party at an Oregon Cottage, here are my latest purchases.

This is a series of three pieces by Paula Gill of Red Step Studio.
Paula exhibited at the NW Flower and Garden Show in Seattle one year when I went up to feast on the amazing plants and gardenscapes.

I didn't make it up to Seattle this year, but Paula mailed me a "Show Coupon" and the set of three "Garden Critters" will now reside on the front porch of  Clos du Bois!


carol fun said...

Congratulations on 100 followers! I always enjoy stopping by and seeing what you are up to. Those skeins of floss are gorgeous - and yes I heard them singing too - LOL! So springy-- ohhhh... the sun is shining here today in Ohio and I am deluding myself that spring is just around the corner - I hope I hope I hope~

Siobhán said...

Congrats on 100 followers! Yeehaw! Love the new stash!

Mouse said...

OOO well done on the 100 followers and the stash haul too .... I use mine sss on biscornuo's and other freebies charts .. hope that helps love mouse xxxx

Deborah said...

Congrats on 199 followers! Love the header and the floss is beautiful.

Sue said...

Your pieces look great and I love those threads :)

Linda said...

Congrats on 100 followers...I have a long way to go on that front...those garden critters are too darn cute!

Alisa said...

Congrats on reaching 100. :) The new stash looks great...lovely colours!

Anonymous said...

I really like your new heading...oh and the thread and the pictures....

Melanie said...

Congrats on reaching 100 followers!! :)

Jami @ An Oregon Cottage said...

Good for you- it's so fun to know others are reading, isn't it?

I love that art! Is it on tile? They seemed shiny, but I couldn't tell.

Thanks for participating in the TGP!

An Oregon Cottage