Friday, April 4, 2014

A Friday Finish

Design - "Spring's Arrival"
Chart - "March of the Daffodils"
Designer - Blackbird Designs
Fabric - 32 count Willow Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & Crescent Colours - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started -29 March 2014
Completed - 3 April 2014

Changing fibers or fabric is normally S O far out of my comfort zone that I end up second-guessing myself and going back to the 'as charted' and safety.  For this stitch though Parsley gifted me with some lovely 'Willow' Belfast linen and when I 'tossed the floss' I liked what I saw.  Now that it is finished I'm really pleased with my personalization. Once again it was originally charted to be a stocking and I think my modification of the design also turned out well.

I've neglected the birds as of late.

Parvati reports that she's continued to man her station! 

This little Junco caught her eye.

It looks like it only has one leg - I hope the other is tucked up for warmth, but... 

Here's another - singing a sweet Ode to Spring

Mr. Quail marches along in April.

The Bushtits are still 'semi-regulars'.

They amused me the other day.  They wanted desperately to eat at the suet feeder, but there was a Flicker there, and they didn't have the courage to barge in.

The size disparity between the birds large and small was pretty amusing.

The Flicker finally left and they mobbed the suet.

I did see another White-crowned Sparrow. I'm glad it stopped by.

Someone is generally keeping watch!

Still no sign of a Mrs. Downy for my bachelor. 

I am getting Anna's and Rufuos hummingbirds at the feeder regularly. 

Lots of the small birds wait their turn in the brush that forms a berm at the edge of our backyard.

Remember I mentioned the Big Leaf Maples were budding out?
The House Finches are thrilled! 

Though they also still come to the feeders for sunflower seeds.

The Scrub Jays are the Kings of the Jays.  They muscle out the Steller's Jays time and again. And they fight - pretty fiercely amongst themselves.  I literally saw 'feathers fly' as one Scrub fended off another. 
Ah Spring!  It brings out the best in everyone!


  1. Wonderful finish Beth. Sweet bird pictures today. :)

  2. I love the linen...but green is my favorite color!! Have to tell you I had a downy chasing off a pileated yesterday!!! Talk about David & Goliath......the Downey must have a nest close by.

  3. I think Spring is such a magical time of the year. It's lovely to see the assortment of birds though that vulture looks pretty ominous!

    Love your Daffodil finish! The colours are gorgeous and you did a wonderful job adapting the design!

  4. Beautiful colors and finish on your daffodil! Love the willow linen.

  5. Your finish is very bonnie, I hope it gives you confidence to change things around again. The little white crowned sparrow is a lovely bird.

  6. Wonderful finish dear..
    Pretty birds x

  7. Thank you for your visit. It's so nice to meet another cross stitcher...though I can't now do such fine work as yours.

  8. I love the way you stitched the daffodil. It turned out so pretty!

  9. Another great finish! It's great seeing all your birds. The pics of the Juncos and House Finch are my favorites.

  10. I love how your did this daffodil. Beautifully done! Love all the bird pics too. Fantastic as always!

  11. You are doing very well at stitching the Blackbird patterns how you see them. They look great! It is fun sometimes to work outside of the norm, which in this case means "as charted."


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.