Thursday, April 3, 2014

April Projects April Blooms

So I think this is going to be my BIG project for April.

And this cutie is also going to be part of my stitching rotation!

Today my Mom and I decided to make good on our vow to explore gardens in our local area.  We set off to the Wallace M. Ruff Memorial Park and Magnolia Arboretum in Springfield, OR.

Founded in 1994, the 10 acre park edges Cedar Creek. 

It contains hundreds of young magnolias, a species believe to be among the oldest of all flowering plants. 

Magnolia 'Susan'
Our cold cold temperatures in December and February (-10F) were hard on the magnolias, so this was not an optimum display.

Magnolia 'Apollo' 
Nonetheless there were still some lovely trees.
Magnolia 'Alexandrina'
My mother was amused to find a Magnolia 'Elizabeth' (my name) and 'Alexandrina' (almost my sister's name) sited side-by-side.
It turned out to be a lovely day with temperatures in the upper 60's.  No coat or sweater needed.

All the blooms had a blue sky backdrop.

I could hear hummingbirds working away in the trees though I was not able to photography any.

The park was very quiet and restful.  Just the sound of the creek and the birds.  

I was pleased to see native plants like violets, currants, and trilliums used in the beds along the park's border.

Thanks to Sue for alerting me that my April blog header photo had disappeared.  I think all is good now and the photo should show once again at the top of the web page.


  1. Gorgeous! Those two upcoming stitches are great.

  2. Your April blog header is a great mix of designs. I like the way you've interspersed the photos of birds through it. Magnolias are so very beautiful.

  3. What beautiful garden photos! Things are just starting up here.

    I like your April blog header!

  4. Aww very pretty garden photos :)
    Sweet April blog header..
    Hugs x

  5. I like your two new starts. It looks like the bunny only has four colors? That should be a nice simple piece. I've stitched LK's Peep before and loved how cutesy it was for springtime.

  6. What beautiful pictures! Also, I have neglected to let you know how much I am enjoying your blog header this month!!!

    It looks like you and your Mom had a great outing.

  7. I love magnolias! Such gorgeous colors! We have a white/pink magnolia in our yard. Now I know that the cold temps might make it not flower as much? I hope it still puts out a good display. Thanks for sharing your garden outing with us.

  8. What a wonderful place to visit. We all need to appreciate what is just around the corner!!!

  9. Such beauty, thank you for sharing. Love your new projects. love Annette

  10. Both look like wonderful projects! Lovely spring pics.

  11. Your April projects are perfect choices for this month. I could spend a whole afternoon just relaxing in that beautiful park! Looking at flowering trees and plants while listening to birds and a creek is total bliss to me!

  12. What a beautiful park! Glad you took time to enjoy the blossoms. :)

  13. Two wonderful projects in the pipeline. I enjoyed the walk through the park too.

  14. You have great projects planned for April. Hare Crossing is my favorite, I think because I really like pink and chocolate brown together. Also, the garden pictures were extra pretty today, I love those magnolias.

  15. I'm very-very sorry to ask you, but maybe you could share this amazing pattern with the hare? It's rather old and impossible for me to buy it from Russia(

  16. By the time my allergy season is over, the spring beauty is nearly over, dang it! But you inspire me, so maybe I will see just how good my allergy medicine REALLY works this coming weekend. Been cooped up for SO long... going nuts!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.