Saturday, April 5, 2014

Hodgepodge Saturday

I went to Down to Earth for a jolt of color.
And I found it with the arrangement of outdoor furniture. 

And this wall display of primroses.

I conversed briefly with this gathering of gnomes.
They said they were due to report back to their respective gardens for another year's duty.  

Down to Earth also had some bright banners and kites.
All served to brighten my day.

On the home front...

This Rufuos Hummingbird provided a flash of color. 

I like the mix of white and chocolate brown, and green. 

Eight Bushtits attacked the suet the other afternoon.

I have gotten really good at recognizing their 'chatter' before they I even see them fly in.

I think they look intelligent and inquisitive.

I counted three White-crowned Sparrows at the backyard feeders yesterday.

I also spied the quail having what will be the first of many dust baths as the weather warms and dries. This is not the best photo.  I'm sure I'll have the opportunity to take better ones next week as the temperatures are to be in the 70's - Dust Bath Weather! 


  1. These primroses look wonderful. And the colours of the outdoor furniture are so intriguing after a long white winter, aren't they?
    You are enjoying such a variety of birds, gorgeous.

  2. Ah, such bright colors! I love it! I need it! lol! Love the birds too. Yay for dust baths. lol!

  3. Aww such sweet Saturday..
    Hugs x

  4. Colour really does make a difference Beth, I find it so inspiring in all forms but especially in nature.

  5. Love those white crowned sparrows, so pretty. Down to Earth could do some serious damage to my wallet!

  6. Enjoyed your colorful pics! Hmmm, I wonder if it's time to put out the hummingbird feeder here? Thanks for the reminder.

  7. If we're lucky, your 70F temps will make their way to the middle of the country. I love all the places you found color. Give me one of each color chair for my deck. The Gnome couple are too cute!

  8. Wow they know how to do colour at that plant nursery.


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