Wednesday, August 12, 2020


My walk this morning was close to the house - a look out at the natural world and the plants blooming in our flowerbeds.

We have a good crop of Douglas fir cones this year.

Ah, the blue of Chickory!

Is there anything prettier?

Hawthorn berries


One of the earliest signs of autumn - the Ash leaves have begun to turn.

Another sign - new catkins on the Hazelnut.

This lily grew outside of the deer fence - so far the deer have left it alone.

Autumnal sunflower


My favorite lily

Monster Howden pumpkin



Rudbeckia Henry Eilers

Rudbeckia triloba

That's it for today - stay cool and hydrated!


  1. Everything looks beautiful. I will keep my fingers crossed that the deer stay away from that lovely lily! We are still cool but the heat is forecast to come by the weekend! UG!

  2. There is so much August beauty in your neck of the woods!


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