Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Little Guys

Chester is really starting to look like a tabby cat.  I'm enjoying stitching him.

Lots of Bushtit activity these days.

It's fun to watch a dozen of more birds swarm the suet feeders.

I like how they cling every-which-way.

A black-capped Chickadee refused to cede ground to the Bushtits.

Two females.

A mixed group.

Right side up and upside down and left and right.
That's Bushtits for you!


  1. Hi Beth,

    How often do you have to change the suet? Does it go bad? I live in the sweltering North Carolina and I am afraid to put out suet for my birds.

  2. Chester is looking good, Beth! Lots of bird activity at your feeders!

  3. Chester is really looking good. So are all the cute little birds.


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