Thursday, April 9, 2020

Monday's Gift

Design - "All is Calm" - kit
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric -
Fibers - WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 2 February 2020
Completed - 5 April 2020

Finally a finish for 2020!  All is Calm is a good motto to have at the moment.


Lots of Downy Woodpecker action.

The males have been especially active. 

Hi little cutie!

And here's the larger male Hairy Woodpecker.

Food for all!

Also had a female Flicker pop in.

Suet is the best.

And here is Monday's gift.

A male Pileated Woodpecker flew in to the Acorn Woodpecker's tree at the edge of our driveway.

He was SO loud I could hear him inside the house and it did not take long to find him

Big bird!

He was eating insects.

Here's his tongue ready to check out all the homes in the tree.

1 comment:

  1. That is a perfect finish for this time. Wonderful woodpecker photos! Hope all is well with you and your family!


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