Friday, April 10, 2020

House Hunting 2020

Design - "Happy Hoppy Easter"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 25 count R & R Lemonade linen
Fibers - Gentle Arts Sampler threads 
Started - 4 March 1999
Completed -  3 April 1999

Finally!  The Violet-green Swallows have returned.

They are much later this year, 2-3 weeks, than most years. 

I was getting concerned.

As far as I'm concerned it isn't spring until the swallows are swooping around and chattering at one another and...

As of Wednesday, I had three pair of birds and three houses under consideration.  This one...

...this one...

...and this one.

I'm hoping a couple more pairs show up...

Pretty easy to see why these birds are called Violet-green Swallows!


  1. What pretty birds they are! Glad they have returned! Your LK piece is sweet.

  2. Those birds are so pretty. I am glad it is they who are house hunting in the middle of all this, not you!

  3. Beautiful pictures! Such a treat to see them! Thanks for sharing!!!!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.