Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Wednesday's Walk

Are you ready for a slow, peaceful stroll around the house and a look about at the larger natural world?
Off we go.

I have several primroses that are really strutting their stuff.

There are a couple of local nurseries that have native plants, so here is an Oregon Fawn Lily (Erythronium oregonum).


Trillium - I think this might be named 'Volcano'.

Some kind of Rice Lily aka Fritillaria.

Another primrose.

This Bleeding Heart is grown more for its shocking green foliage that its blooms.

Another primrose.

These lilies will turn into beasts!  They'll be well over 5 feet tall and oh so fragrant smelling. 'Lavon' an Orenpet Hybrid Lily.

Grape Hyacinths.

A pink Flowering Currant.  I've seen hummingbirds working away in this plant and the next.

Our native Flower Currant.

Tiny Narcissus. 

More Fritillaria.

Isn't this a great spring statement?
A red-barked dogwood with bright green new foliage.

And now on to the greater outdoors.

The Elderberry is one of the first things to leaf out.


Buds and catkins

Pussy Willow buds

And we'll end today's virtual walk admiring a Big Leaf Maple. This is a sign that soon the Grosbeaks will return.

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