Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Birds Big and Small

Design - "Hens at Work"
Chart - "Spring Bunnies I" #182
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - Don't remember
Started - Don't remember - maybe in 1999
Completed - Don't remember

I thought that my hawks had moved on...

I was wrong.

A couple of Cooper's Hawks are still hanging around. I saw one fly off with lunch.  I don't think it was a bird...maybe a chipmunk or bunny.

In small bird land I'm not seeing much of the Bushtits any longer.  They've paired up and are nesting.

The Lesser Goldfinches are beginning to nest.

And look who has returned!

Right on time - a male Black-headed Grosbeak.  They sing a very pretty song.

Also pairing up now...

...the California Quail.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable hen stitch! Lovely hawk shots, Beth! There seems to be more squirrel activity around our yard, so I know the hawk isn't around at the moment. Glad to hear of the birds pairing up! Even during this odd time, it is nice that Mother Nature keeps on with the circle of life.


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