Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Last Walk in April

A combination of sunny days and showers has may for a green, green April.

The Big leaf Maples have bloomed and are now starting to leaf out.

Mild temperatures have prolonged the blooming period for Iris tenax.

I think I could do an entire blog post of iris photos.

Darker purple...

...lighter violet blooms.

Shhhh!  Someone is watching us!

Our native ceanothus is budding up.

It should be awash in white in a few weeks. 

And so should the Hawthorn.

House Finches and new cones on a Douglas fir tree.

A clump of dandelions.

Someone has been shredding the blossoms.  I think it is a chipmunk.


  1. Everything looks so lush in your neck of the woods, Beth! Loved the bunny shot!

  2. What a cute photo of the bunny! Your pictures could be taken in my neck of the woods too!


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