Monday, April 27, 2020

Adding to the Rotation

This is "Chester" by The Goode Huswife.  I kitted this up clear back in 2013 and began stitching in September 2015 when I promptly quit and it has languished for five years.  Maybe I should pick it up again.  Thoughts?

Here are some photos from my reliable woodpeckers. 

Cute little male Downy.

He's all business.

A larger female Hairy Woodpecker.

A soaking wet female Flicker.

It was a cold rainy day and she did not look happy.

The Acorn Woodpeckers continue to dart in and out of the nesting cavity in the large Douglas fir snag.

Both birds come to the front of the house...

...but thus far, only the male ventures into the backyard.

Suet is a woodpecker magnet.


  1. I think you should spend a bit of time with Chester! Lovely woodpecker shots, Beth!

  2. If Chester still calls you then go for it. If not, I would look for a design that speaks to me.

  3. I vote for Chester! Love the woody woodpecker pics! 👍


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