Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Wednesday's Walk

Lovely sunny days with temperatures in the mid-80's!
Let's walk!

These berries are still green.

The Towhee found something to eat.

It looks delicious!

Tansy Ragwort while it looks pretty, is an invasive that is toxic to cattle.

New green Douglas fir cones.

Black-headed Grosbeak eating elderberries.

Thistle - the Goldfinches will eat the seeds.

No wonder I cannot find any Hazelnuts!

The Steller's Jays are grabbing them and caching them - I watched this bird pound a hole in the ground and then bury the nut. 


  1. That is interesting that the Steller's Jays bury nuts. I wonderful if they forget where they buried later.

  2. A great day for a lovely walk. Hope your staycation is going well!


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