Thursday, July 25, 2019

Robin's Gifts

I think that is the correct response to the wonderful gifts I received from Robin in Virginia!  She enclosed some wonderful cards, a floss organizer, a needle-minder, and a truly lovely project bag. 

Look at the fabric used for the project bag!
Could there be a more prefect choice for me?
Thank you, thank you Robin. These items will be well used and loved.

On the birding side, a couple of nuthatches came by at the same time.
A white-breasted nuthatch - no photo - and this red-breasted nuthatch. 

One winter a red-breasted nuthatch came to a peanut feeder regularly. 

Otherwise, I generally see them moving up and down a large tree eating insects as they go. 

The black-headed grosbeaks continue to bring new fledglings to the feeders.

I often have three or four mourning doves feeding on the ground.

New this summer, are a couple of young cowbirds.

The orange-crowned warbler continue to find my suet feeders attractive.

They are rather shy birds, so it is always a treat to see one.

And sometimes I even manage a pretty good look.

Speaking of looks - a not-so-good one. 

Here's a much better look at a female western tanager! 


  1. Such pretty birds you shared! You are most welcome for the goodies! Enjoy!

  2. Oh I agree, wow! I love your new gifts from Robin! The project bag is so pretty. We got a new bird to the window ledge the other day! A mourning dove! I was so surprised to have him land here. :)

  3. What a lovely gift! Our baby birds have hatched. We took a quick look in the basket and mother bird nearly did us in. I still don't hear them as they are so tiny! The fushia is looking very bad!! Oh well!

  4. Great wild life Photos , nice gift .


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