Tuesday, July 23, 2019

PS Bluebirds Progress

The Painter and the Gardener both put in some time!  The house is painted and the plants now sport red berries!

On to the birds. 

Now that the Juncos have nested and fledged, I am seeing them in good numbers once again.

This Balck-capped Chickadee is none to pleased to have a chipmunk eating in his seed tray!

And here's a Chestnut-backed Chickadee,

I had two male House Finches stop by and sit side by side.


I've commented in years past that the berries on the Red Elderberry never have a chance to ripen.  Here's why! A female House Finch.

And a Black-headed Grosbeak.  The Grosbeaks are the ones who devour most of the elderberries.  

I'll sign off today with a photo of a handsome mature male Black-headed Grosbeak.


  1. The Bluebirds block is looking good, Beth. Glad the house construction is finished! That Black-headed Grosbeak is quite handsome. Enjoy your day!

  2. Your Bluebirds stitched piece is looking so pretty. House finches eat more than their share of the food available to them. In KY they sat at my feeder and ate till all the seeds were gone. Not my favorite bird!


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