Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Wednesday's Garden Walk

Lots of nice things in bloom in the flowerbeds around the house this week.

Allium "Windy City"

Lilium leichtlinii
This tiger lily is a show stopper!

Morning Glory

A couple of penstemon.

Close up of the one on the left. 

Lobelia laxiflora v. angustifolia

We've had pretty mild temperatures throughout June and July so the sweetpeas have enjoyed a long bloom time.  

Another penstemon.

A low growing salvia.

Yet another penstemon.

Crazy big wonderful smelling lilies!


Monster huge hosta!

Rudbeckia Goldstrum

The mudroom flowerbed - a hummingbird haven.
It's anchored by Saliva "La Trinidad" on the left and "Black and Blue" Salvia on the right.


  1. Everything looks so lush and pretty around your house, Beth. I am intrigued by your mudroom flower bed.

  2. Your garden is beautiful! I bet it's buzzing with hummers and insects and the like too!

  3. Your yard is looking beautiful!!!


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