Thursday, July 18, 2019

One of My Favorites

Design - "Banded Bee Skep"
Designer - Arachne's Silken Web
Fabric - 32 count Vintage Nutmeg Lakeside linen
Fibers - DMC, Pearsell's Silks, and Gloriana Silks - 1 thread over 2 strands 
Started - 1 August 2012
Completed - 9 August 2012

This piece probably makes it into my Favorite Top 10 list of everything I've ever stitched.  I love the variegated silks and the color of the linen.  This was a challenge to stitch, using 8 or more different stitches for the different rows of the bee skep. It was charted so well and the instructions were so clear, that I had no trouble learning each of the new stitches.   

I've had a Brown-headed Cowbird come by several times. It is very vocal - some of the many sounds are liquid trills - very pretty.

An American Goldfinch couple.

A male House Finch.

Papa Quail up high - standing guard.

Quail family.

Baby Quail atop the deer fence.

Several of them checking out the big wide world.


  1. Your banded bee skep piece is gorgeous, Beth! What beautiful fabric and threads used. Those baby quail are adorable.

  2. Ohhh--look at those sweet babies--love the photo--
    you always have such lovely photos--
    and neat cross stitching to show us--
    luv, di

  3. Wow Beth, I am so impressed with that variety of stitches!

  4. Oh, Beth, lovely stitching. I love hard projects that teach me new stitches. It’s fun to incorporate these new skills in projects that don’t call for them, too. VERY nice job on the satin stitching. It’s hard to do because the threads are always wanting to twist and not lie flat and even. Do you ever study the stitch diagrams in the back of the Just CrossStitch ornament issues? They’re fun to look at.

    Beautiful birds....such a gorgeous array of colors.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.