Monday, July 15, 2019


The painter did not make much progress painting my house!
I'm hoping that she shows up tomorrow and is able to work for a couple of hours.

Mid-Month is a good time to review.

I was awash in Orange-crowned Warblers the first half of July.

Have the birds eating suet was a first for me.

I also had them hanging out in the hazelbrush...

...and this dead young Big Leaf Maple that makes up the hedgerow.

I also had another first.

Got to watch an adult OC Warbler feed a fledgling.

The OC Warblers are quietly colored. 

They don't shout out their presence.  

But they were around often enough that I was able to get several good photos.

What's up with other birds?
Well here's a handsome California Scrub Jay.

And here's a really homily young fledgling.  He looks bald doesn't he?


  1. You are making progress on the bird feeder, Beth. The fledglings are interesting to view.

  2. Excellent photos and I love the Jay very pretty. Have a good week, Diane

  3. The soft colors of the OC Warbler are very pretty!

  4. All your little birdies are so adorable. Thanks for sharing


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