Sunday, July 14, 2019

Sunday's Hummers

Here they are...

Male Anna's with pollen on bill. 

Female Rufous from the left side...

...and the right side.

A couple of Anna's visiting.

Female / young Anna's.

Anna's female.

A nice series of photos of  male Anna's.

It's all about how the light hits the feathers.


He looks like a knight going into battle.

Ready to take on anyone.

My agastaches are popular - female Rufous.

My last sighting of my male Rufous was on July 1st - that's the earliest I've ever had one take off for their southern migration.  


  1. Fabulous photos Beth! Just love those hummingbirds! I sure hope by leaving so early it isn’t an indication of what is to come for Fall & Winter? Have a wonderful Sunday....

  2. What fabulous hummers you highlighted today! Thank you, Beth!

  3. I love the pictures where they a drinking from the flowers!


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