Friday, May 24, 2019

Maybe DMC 869

I'm thinking this might be the color I need to finish up my Robin's nest.  I promise, I truly promise i'll have a finish to share on Tuesday - one way or another! 

The Cackling Geese are back in Alaska, and the Canada Geese have taken over the playing fields in town. 

I now have a nice group of American Goldfinches.

The Evening Grosbeaks though are now erratic. The other day I had 6 females and 4 males.  On Thursday I only saw one male.  I do hope a few pairs decide o stay in the area and nest and raise their young.

The Mourning Doves are active - I've never, to my knowledge, seen a newly fledged dove.  By the time the young birds appear, they look and behave just like their parents. 

Here's an adorable couple.

She's probably got a clutch of eggs hidden away. 


  1. I hope the 869 is what you need to finish the Robin stitch. Enjoy your Friday, Beth!

  2. Oh yes--I think--Mr and Mrs Quail are a very handsome couple--
    so I hope they will have some babies for you to watch grow--
    I have wondered that about morning doves--as I only see large ones--
    I do have some here that feed every day!
    luv, di


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