Thursday, May 23, 2019

So Yeah...

So's pretty obvious that even though I thought I used DMC 610 to stitch the nest and flower branches...that I did not.  I'll have to mess with my DMC master board and see if I can figure out what the number is for the chocolate brown I used so I can finish up this thing.

In the Woodpecker World...

The Hairy Woodpeckers are back in town!
The male.

The female.

I think I see her a bit more frequently.
I've also had a Downy Woodpecker couple - though never at the same time.

I did have three Acorn Woodpeckers fly in together.

This is a young male.

And it's nice to have a female Flicker in the mix.

I am overwhelmed by all the Starlings and the inroads they are making on my suet and cylinders.  I'm stopping the cylinders and will switch to the most inexpensive suet I can find for the next 10 days or so.  Am hoping the Starlings will disband and peace will return to my feeders.  


  1. Hmmm, perhaps 433 or 434 for the brown used in the nest. At least, that is what I think my monitor is showing. Good to see the woodpeckers; sorry the starlings are being such food hogs.

  2. I feel your pain with the Starlings. They are such greedy, noisy birds! Hope they move on soon. I always look forward to your bird photos!

  3. Those noisy bothersome Starlings having issues with them myself right now, and I have nothing in my feeders right now hopefully they move on soon. My Bluebirds are nesting at the present time, and I think a Robin has a nest in one of my trees. Thanks for all of your photos you do such a great job with the shots you post and your descriptions, they make my day.


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