Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Critters

A couple of interesting critters this week. 

Of course there were chipmunks.

And a gray squirrel...

...or two.

And the usual multiple bunny sightings...

like these.

But on Wednesday night, I looked out at dusk to see this guy in the back yard.

A great big skunk!  He/she stayed around for about 30 minutes. Looking for mice and voles and eating sunflower seeds.

This is not by back yard, but a neighbors.
Late last week she reported a bent pole.

Then early this week She email these photos.
I think it is the same sow and cub that we saw on out trail camera in April.

The large cub in front, mama following behind. 

Bear on the lawn and crossing the driveway!


  1. You did not mention any smell from your skunk visitor? I hope not!!

  2. That is one huge skunk that came by. Oh my goodness, what super shots of the bears your neighbor shared. Enjoy your day!

  3. Lots of wildlife, that's for sure! I could do without the skunk. lol! Hate the smell when they show up around here.

  4. My dear neighbor has had the same thing happen to her bird feeder!


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