Thursday, May 16, 2019

Gray Bird Yellow Bird

Design - Fly By Night
Designer - Crazy Folk
Linen - 28 count Light Exemplar Lakeside linen
Fibers - WDW
Started - 1 April 2010
Completed - 16 May 2010

I stitched this several years ago - I think that it is worthy of framing some day.

On my walk the other day, I heard then saw this bird.

It popped out for a better look.

And a still better look.
Then it just plain posed!

And sang its little heart out.

A warbler for sure - but which one?

Look at the rarely seen color atop its head.
An Orange-crowned Warbler in all its glory!


  1. What a stunning yellow bird! Your bird stitch is lovely and yes, I think it should be framed.

  2. beautiful bird-
    I am going to call you the 'bird whisper'--
    as they seem to flock to your house!!!
    luv, di


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