Friday, May 17, 2019

Singing Away

Design - "For the Birds"
Designer - The Drawn Thread
Fabric - 14" x 14" 28 piece of count Khaki Cashel linen
Started - 14 March 2010
Completed - 29 March 2010 

Yet another one I should someday frame!

It's full on spring and everyone is singing.

Song Sparrow

American Robin

American Robin

If they are not singing, then they are courting!
Blackhead Grosbeak couple.

Or wow!  They've already fledged!

Crazy looking Starling baby.

He looks like a miniature Graet Blue Heron. 


  1. The fledgling looks grumpy. Beth, I love your bird stitch and yes, it definitely needs to be framed. I have that piece hanging by my dresser; a friend stitched it for me. Enjoy your Friday!

  2. Your stitching is so pretty! Frame it and enjoy it!

  3. Yes, it does look like a miniature Blue Heron! You should really get that wonderful stitched piece framed!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.