Wednesday, May 15, 2019

A Wet Wednesday Walk

After 24 days with no rain,  we got some nice showers yesterday. The wet weather is forecast for the next several days and we are all celebrating its return.  

It had become so dry that we had several wildfires already and a dangerous Red Flag Alert was active.  
I'll take rain's return and with it the healthy continued growth of the young Douglas fir trees.  Can you see the bright green tips?

Here's a closer look.

Cooler temps will also help to extend the life of the Iris tenax blooms.

The green and purple meadows are so pretty.

This is commonly called Buck Brush, Oregon Tea Tree or Redstem Ceanothus (Ceanothus sanguineus).

It's in full bloom now.  I've seen photos of this plant awash in warblers and other birds.

A field full of Bracken fern.

White oak.

Lots of green and white in the forest.

Our native Pacific dogwood (Cornus nuttallii).


Osier dogwood

The Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana), along the Big Creek has rebounded and that is great. Here's a list of critters that eat the fruit: Robins, thrushes, grosbeaks, woodpeckers, jays, bluebirds, catbirds, kingbirds, and grouse eat chokecherries, and so do mice, voles, chipmunks, squirrels, skunks, foxes, deer, bear, and moose!  Wow!
Hope this week's walk was worth the wait.


  1. What a nice walk. We went for a walk this am and it smelled so good after yesterdays rain. We are also due for showers for several days. I would like to see an inch or more but that is not likely.

  2. Loved today's walk, Beth! That Chokecherry is gorgeous. We were rain-free today after several days of rain.


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