Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sunday's Hummers

Lots of buzzing and humming!

Here's one of the two male Rufous Hummingbirds.

If you look closely... can see he has a small insect stuck to his beak.

Besides nectar, hummingbirds devour small insects.

That's what allows the Anna's to stay here in the winter when nothing is in bloom. 

But when available, nothing beats native plants.

The Rufous is carefully working a low-growing native Bleeding Heart - Dicentra formosa.

This is a hybrid flowering currant - it too is very tasty!

And now back to the feeders.

Here's an Anna's female.

I've got a couple of those.

I was surprised to have one looking at nesting material Friday morning.  I'd thought they'd all made their nests.

I do know that they can have 2-3 broods over the summer.  Thus the presence of my two male Anna's. 


  1. Oh Beth, I look forward to seeing your hummers on Sundays. It looks like they have good food sources (both natural and manmade). Thank you for the smile today.

  2. Those hummingbirds are just all so very pretty and I add very interesting!

  3. I do love these birds so much. Have a good week, Diane


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