Saturday, April 27, 2019

Saturday's Critters

Staring off with the very small...
I found this group of baby spiders hatching.
Within 24 hours they were all gone.

Sunny weather has brought out the bumblebees. 

As always there are lots of chipmunks.

I am looking forward to seeing babies. 

My two big gray squirrels are omnipresent.

They spend a great deal of time chasing each other.

It's amazing that they can get traction on tree bark.

Edging close to my bird feeders.

A vigilant bunny.

They are often at the edge of the backyard with the quail.

They can dash for safety if needed. 

Playing with one another.

Last year's fawn...

...and her mom.


  1. Lots of critter activity at your house, Beth! Interesting shot of the baby spiders! Have a super Saturday!

  2. You are lucky you get so many small creatures around you. Happy Sunday Diane

  3. Great post, going from smallest to largest. I have to admit I am not a fan of spiders (even though they do a lot of good). They are attracted to the heat and/or light of my stitching light so I often get a surprise visitor when I’m stitching. I can jump vertically about three feet...apparently.

  4. It is fun to watch all the critters!


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