Monday, April 29, 2019

Friday Morning's Gift

So I need to get back into cross stitching again.  I should dedicate 7-9pm to stitching - then I'd have something new to share once in a while.

And now back to birding.

Friday morning brought a wonderful gift.

A male Bullock's Oriole.

He kindly posed for me... he checked out some of the feeders...

but not, of course, the oriole nectar feeder!

He is SO blazingly brightly colored.

He did find something that got his attention.

He peered down...

..and decided to have a go at this Bugs, nut, and fruit bell.

I think he was attracted to the fruit.

I've now set out some grape jelly and am hoping he will return.


  1. Your PS Robin block is looking good, Beth! Oh my goodness! What a stunning bird you showcased today!

  2. He is beautiful, thanks for sharing. Have a good week, Diane

  3. Ahh--beautiful bird--I would love to see one in real life--
    maybe this year--
    luv, di

  4. That is a beautiful bird. i am so glad it was still long enough for you to get these great photos. I only stitch in the evening, usually about 7:30 to 10. That is TV time and I just can't sit there and watch TV so I stitch! That really works for me.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.