Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Red Flower, Yellow Birds

Design - "Pink Tulip"
Designer - Stone & Thread
Fabric - 32 count Light Mocha Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 24 March 2014
Completed - 24 March 2014

I've been awash in yellow birds this week including my FOY (First of the year) sighting of a male Western Tanager - no photo. 

I did manage a couple of photos of a small male Wilson's Warbler.

Darned branches!

The second time he came by I did a bit better.

He is even brighter than the American Goldfinches which is how he manages to catch my eye.

And yes, the male American Goldfinches are very yellow now.

I am finally seeing a decent group of around 20 birds.

And my biggest yellow birds - the Evening Grosbeaks.
I have so many that I caved and bought a second feeder tray for them. 

The old tray on the left...6 birds...

The new tray on the right - 10 birds.
I probably have 30 or more at a time. 


  1. You are such a wonderful bird friend, Beth. I know the grosbeaks are happy with the second tray of food. Beautiful yellow birds!

  2. Completely different from the European goldfinch. Having said that they are both pretty in their own way. Have a good week, Diane

  3. Your finish is very pretty. I love all the yellow birds; they are spectacular.

  4. Wow such pretty yellow birds--
    I wouldn't want your bird seed bill though--
    by the looks of things--I would need to take out a loan!!!
    thanks for sharing and for feeding our feathered friends--
    luv, di


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.