Wednesday, May 1, 2019

April Showers Bring May Flowers

April showers have made the world lush and green for or first walk in May.
This field is dotted with buttercups and camas.

Oregon Grape in bloom.

Apple tree - pretty in pink.

Lamb's Tongues (erythronium oregonum).

The common name most folks use is fawn lily, but my family has always called them lamb's tongues.

Look at the big old bumble bee! 

Shooting Stars or my family name - Rooster Bills (dodecatheon hendersonii).

Miner's Lettuce (Claytonia perfoliata)

This one's name escapes me - I'll have to research it. 


False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum racemosum)

Wild Strawberries

Bitter Cherry in full bloom

Viola glabella - Wood violet.

Oregon Iris (Iris tenax)

Hope you enjoyed  the walk today.


  1. What gorgeous blooms and greenery, Beth! That Bitter Cherry is beautiful!

  2. What a wonderful time of year. I love all the wildflowers!!

  3. How beautiful nature is !


  4. I love spring flowers, great shots here. Have a good day, Diane


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