Friday, February 8, 2019

Friday's Forecast

Design - "Let it Snow-Man"
Magazine - Just Cross Stitch Ornament Issue 1999
Designer - The Prairie Schooler
Fabric - 28 count Lakeside Patina linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 20 January 2015
Completed - 25 January 2015

I made the snow guy's broom look more 'broomish" and changed the color of the brush fibers from brown to WDW's Schneckley.

We had a bit of snow on Monday and Tuesday, and now the forecast is for snow to fall on Saturday and Sunday and on and off until Thursday!  After a No Weather Winter in December and January, we are now getting some True Winter Weather in February.

No matter what happens with the weather, you can rest assured that I will look after the wild birds to the best of my ability.

I've saved some special high calorie / high protein bird treats for cold weather, so will put them out.

The Flickers have become fans of a WBU product called Bark Butter.

Similar to suet with the spreadable consistency of peanut butter.

The Acorn Woodpeckers will also have a buffet.

Twice in one week, all three birds were at my front feeders or perched on the same tree.

I continue to see the males... are two guys...

...with far more frequency than the lone female.

I am hoping to get some good "Birds in the Snow"photos.  Stay tuned!


  1. Love the PS Snowman, Beth! I look forward to seeing your birds in snow pictures. Have a fabulous Friday!

  2. I love your bird pictures. Those flickers are so pretty. Stay warm and enjoy that snow. We have lots of flooding and sloppy muck at the moment.

  3. That's a great, TIMELY, finish to share... It is 73 and sunny here... However, tomorrow is only getting to 38! Then it looks like lots of rainy weather. Hugs!

  4. That snowman stamp is so cute!! I sure hope our wildlife and plants can adjust to this sudden "winter"!!

  5. Beautiful birds! Thanks for the photos - you've shown me details I never would have seen on my own.

    Love your snowman, too. Scheckley is a perfect broom color.

  6. Yes, your birdies need you now and I have no doubt you will keep them well-fed. I like your cross-stitch snowman!

  7. I've always loved that PS snowman--think I've stitched him at least 3 times now :) It's so funny how you are getting snow and we have none on the ground--crazy weather patterns these days!

    Enjoy your weekend, Beth!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.