Saturday, February 9, 2019

Saturday's Critters

Lots of chipmunk action lately.

One is frequenting my potting bench...  

..and another is making forays on the back patio.

I remind them that they are safer on / in the Big Woodpile, away from the house and the Elderly Feline aka Parvati.  

They don't listen.

The Brush Bunnies are also out and about.

One morning I had two bunnies...

...and a chipmunk!

Everyone stayed put and let me distribute the sunflower seeds. 

I love having different animals all eating in harmony.


  1. Would Parvati be quick enough to catch one Beth. I have no experience of chipmunks so I don't know how fast they are.

  2. Hm, I wonder if my chipmunks are hibernating, I haven't seen one in quite some time. I have changed from the black oiled sunflower seeds to the ones already shelled. My porch was a mess with all the shells. I think all the squirrels told their buddies about the new menu because I have far too many visiting now!!

  3. Great shots of the critters! I am always amazed by the harmony of the bunnies, quail, and chipmunks you share. Have a wonderful Saturday!

  4. All those sweet critters would be buried in snow up here. It is so not NW, 8 inches of snow then temps in the teens!


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