Thursday, February 7, 2019

Skiff of Snow

I've finished the border and have begun stitching the snowman's hat.
It feels very seasonal as we had a bit of snow both Monday and Tuesday morning.

Tuesday was just a dusting of snow.

Still it framed both the Hellebores ...   

...and the Snowdrops picture postcard perfect!

It also served to capture the comings and goings of the California Quail.

And turned the Towhee into a Snowbird!


  1. The Towhee doesn't look impressed with the snowfall. Good start on your snowman, Beth!

  2. Great colors in the hat! Wow, that towhee photo is stunning.

  3. Lovely photos. Enjoy your day, Diane

  4. Some one is not happy with all that white stuff. Your poor flowers hugs

  5. I love that hat color! Your landscape looks much like ours!


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