Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Little Birds Big Birds

Design - "Little Birds Calendar" - "Bullfinch" - "November
Designer - The Little Stitcher
Fabric - 32 count Vintage Country linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 6 December 2018
Completed - 6 January 2019

This is the twelfth and final bird in the series.  I so enjoyed stitching each and everyone and sorry it has ended.

I never got to see a Bullfinch while in England, but I do have the Emma Bridgewater 1/2 pint mug commemorating the bird. 

Here's some local birds that I have seen recently.   

We've had some cold mornings.

This Junco is perched on a frost covered branch, puffed up against the cold. 

This winter I do not have any Pine Siskins, but unusually, I do have several Lesser Goldfinches.

They often hang out in pairs. 

The males are more brightly colored than the females.

I'm also happy to see Chestnut-backed Chickadees and Black-capped Chickadees.

My ubiquitous Steller's Jay.

Saturday's surprising birds included a few wild Turkeys.

I think this is a Turkey Vulture - thought it maybe a wild Turkey.

Hawks have been ever-present.

This is a young Red-tailed Hawk.

The biggest of my Big Birds!


  1. What gorgeous bird pictures; the hawk looks so regal. Congratulations on finishing up the bullfinch, Beth! I have enjoyed watching you stitch this series.

  2. Your Bullfinch turned out so pretty!That hawk is quite a bird!

  3. Loved seeing all your bird stitches--I always hate seeing a series end--yet it can also be a good feeling cause now you can find another series to stitch!!
    Does that hawk prey on the little birds you have???
    luv, di

  4. What a cute bird, Beth! I hope they'll make another series for you to stitch since you enjoyed that one so much.

    Wild turkeys always take me by surprise, too! They aren't usually those gorgeous turkeys portrayed at Thanksgiving time :)

  5. Love your finish, and love all the bird pics too. You get such a variety of beautiful birds!

  6. Your newest stitch is great and I love your mug from England. As always your bird photos are the best. RJ


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.