Wednesday, January 9, 2019

The First Walk of 2019

We're lucky to have a break between storms with some blue sky to cheer us up.

The rose hips provide the only color this time of year.
There are two kinds of wild roses - this one has elliptical hips.  

The hips of this rose are much more profuse and rounded in shape.

Lots of natural composting activity on the forest floor.

The Big Creek is running strongly once again.

No one much likes to eat Snowberries - they last through the entire winter.

And though we try to keep Scotch Broom under control, one missed plant means thousands of seeds let loose.

Wet weather makes it easy to see deer paths. So many choices - do they have The Road Not Taken anxiety?  

Blackberry leaves 

Mosses and lichens

Dorothy's Creek in flow

Hazel catkins

Slow and gradualy decay as the bark of this stump pulls away from the core wood.
I hope you enjoyed today's walk and will come back again next week.


  1. What a gorgeous sky you had for your walk! Glad to see the water flowing again! Thank you for sharing your walks, Beth!

  2. What a lovely day for the walk. The moss is so pretty this time of year!

  3. Great photos - so much colour and texture around - to those that see it!

  4. What a nice walk you have. I will have to take a walk when it warms up a bit. Thanks for sharing!

  5. So much color for this time of the year. Love your walks Beth. RJ


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