Monday, January 7, 2019

The Best Bird So Far

I've chosen "Alfred" a Heart in Hand snowman as my first start of 2019.

The Year had hardly begun when on Saturday (National Bird Day) I got to see a very infrequent visitor.

I'd been sitting outside for about 30 minutes hoping for a Kinglet or a Warbler, when I heard and then saw this guy!

A Black Phoebe!  Maybe not much to look at, but thrilling for me.
I got a glimpse of one September 2018 during migration, but other than that, I've not been blessed with one since 2013/2014.

Black Phoebe are insectivores who hang out near water. They have a distinctive black crest and very white breast.  No photos of the breast as the bird did not turn around.  

It stayed just long enough for me to get off a couple of clicks - so glad I had my camera.

Then it flew off to a distance Big Leaf Maple...

...posed briefly and then headed off to the seasonal creeks.


  1. Adorable new start!! Excited to see him come to life. I love the phoebes delicate call, lucky you! I seem to see the same day after day....finches, tufted titmouse,Carolina Chickadees. I did see a Blue Jay over the weekend. At the water I see the same ol' ring billed gulls and Howard the resident coot. Nevertheless I love them all!

  2. I really like your choice for your new start, Beth. I know you are thrilled by your sighting of the Black Phoebe. What a handsome bird!

  3. Cute little bird that I have never heard of before. Keep well Diane

  4. Those Heart In Hand Snowmen are so cute--love your choice of Alfred for your first stitch of the year, Beth. And what a pretty bird--beautiful markings!

  5. We have black Phoebes where I am in central California and I love watching them and listening to them chirp.
    And...snowmen are always fun to stitch.

  6. How exciting to add this bird to you year's viewing.

  7. Your new stitch is adorable. I am happy for you Beth. Your Black Phoebe is wonderful!

  8. I love Alfred...he is adorable. RJ


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