Wednesday, October 10, 2018

First Finish - October

Design - "Little Birds Calendar" - "Pied Flycatcher - October"
Designer- The Little Stitcher
Fabric - 32 count Vintage Country Mocha
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 3 October 2018
Completed - 6 October 2018

Are you impressed - here's a finish for October.  I love this little bird - the colors look boring, but that was not so.  

I learned that the pied Wagtail is an insectivore that spends part of the year in Britain.

These photos are free to share from Wiki Commons.

A Black Phoebe is the closest I come to a Pied Flycatcher type bird.

I had one show up from December 2013 through February 2014.

It was such a great bird to watch on clear sunny winter days.

It was a very striking bird...

I did see one briefly a couple of weeks ago, but it may have just been passing through during migration.  I'd love to have one hang out this winter.


  1. Lovely finish Beth! Wonderful little bird...enjoy your day...

  2. We have black Phoebes here and they're one of my favorites. Always chirping and flying after insects. We had a nest over our front door for a few years until I convinced them to move over a few feet 😀 I liked watching the babies from my kitchen window.

  3. A pretty finish and I love the little spider web in the corner :)


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