Thursday, October 11, 2018

Stitching Robins

As you can see, thanks to Vicki's gift of linen, I was able to begin stitching the PS Robins.  

I do have lots of Robins in the early morning and late evening.
During the day, woodpeckers rule!

A male Downy has been by daily.

I set up a new suet feeder close to the hedgerow in hopes of enticing a Yellow-rumped Warbler and / or Ruby-crowned Kinglet.   

I cannot complain that the little Downy found the feeder within minutes of me setting it up.  

This photo shows the female and male Downy having a conversation.

I also have a female Hairy Woodpecker.

She's a regular as are...

...the two male Hairy Woodpeckers.

I got to see all three Hairy Woodpeckers on the same big Douglas for tree that the Downy Woodpeckers used.

I had two male Acorn Woodpeckers on the same feeder...

...but was not able to get a photo.

The colors of these birds - so bright and bold!

Love my woodpeckers!


  1. Beth, your Robin stitch is wonderful. I love it. How nice of Vicki to help you out too. Your woodpeckers are fantastic!!! I've been going back and forth to the beach this month...five days at the beach and then two back home for doctor appointments etc. I have alot to catch up but will. RJ

  2. Love the red cap on the acorn woodpeckers! I hope more woodpeckers will start visiting me now that colder weather is descending upon western PA :)


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