Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Wonderful Gift!

I have been fretting that I do not have any lore 32 count Wichelt Ocean Kiss linen to finish up the Prairie Schooler Prairie Bird series. Out of the blue Vicki of ixstitch designs emailed me to say that she had a piece.  Vicki kindly sent the linen, a card, and one of her wonderful designs.  Wow! The kindest and generosity of fellow stitchers continues to hold true. You can check out her work here. There's some fun brightly colored designs.  Take a look. 

On the birding front, here are some little birds.

A male American Goldfinch.

He'd gotten a drink and paused to pose.

A drop of water on his beak.

Is he winking at me?

I still have 20-40 birds each day. They normally leave mid-October.

You can see how much more brightly colored the remaining Lesser Goldfinches are.

I'm slowing getting a few more Juncos.

By the end of the year I will have well over a dozen.

I've had two exciting sightings recently.  A Black Phoebe (no photo) and this White-throated Sparrow. 

I had a White-throated Sparrow the winter of 2015-16, but not last winter.  I'm hoping that this was not a migrating bird, but one that will stay around. 


  1. Yes! That is a wonderful gift from Vicki. Good for you Beth. Now you can continue your bird stitching.

  2. Aren't fellow stitchers and the stitching community in general the best? Thank you for providing the link to her site. Lovely bird pictures, Beth!

  3. What a wonderful gift--that is so sweet of Vicki!


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