Monday, August 13, 2018

Working on a WIP

Not much to show for all the hours I've been stitching on this.
I had to frog out the vine and now I'm back where I started with it.  And I've added the black blobs...

Every year gardening and birding is unique unto itself.  This summer has been a slow one for warbler sightings.  

So no complaints about the good looks I got of this Orange-crowned Warbler.

Warblers are notorious for constantly flitting about. 

This one posed for me.

The Black-throated Gray Warbler did move around.

And managed to hide.

I did get a couple of okay photos.

This one shows the bit of bright yellow in front of the eyes that helps to ID the bird.

"Cheers!" says the warbler.


  1. I laughed over your black blobs comment!! I don't know what they are called either but the stitch is coming along and looks to be one that is different from what you usually stitch. More prim? Maybe the warblers headed to less smoky weather.

  2. Liberty is looking good and I look forward to seeing the black blobs turned into 'pennies'. Nice warbler shots!

  3. Great Stitching ,and what wonderful photos ,thanks for sharing .

  4. What a beautiful little warbler!

  5. You have some amazing Warblers in your area!!

  6. I love how your Liberty stitch is coming along Beth. And your warblers are truly amazing. RJ


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.