Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Celebrating Yellow Birds

Design - "Western Tanager"
Chart - "The Bird Collection - Part II"
Designer - Heartstring Samplery
Fabric - 30 count Picture This Plus Wren linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 9 September 2016
Completed - 17 September 2016

This is from a couple of years ago, I've had it framed and enjoy it daily. I appreciate the care and attention to detail Beth Twist paid when she designed the birds.  Their colors and wing patterns are so true to life.

I who have I seen for several days running?

A female Western Tanager.

She posed for me.

And then announced that it was blackberry time!

Most years I get to see the Tanagers munching on berries... 

It's great as they do not come to bird feeders to eat.

Enjoy your sweet treat.

Another flash of bright yellow caught my eye.

A tiny male Wilson's Warbler.

He's eye to ID with his smart black cap.


  1. Both birds are special to see and great photo of the tanager munching on the berries. I'd love to see your Tanager stitch framed. Beth certainly did a great job on getting the colors correctly.

  2. How wonderful!!! I love your stitching and the bird pictures are fantastic!!!

  3. Love the bird stitch! The pops of yellow in your yard are fun to see, Beth.

  4. Loving the birds. I don't see a great variety here. Love the stitched bird, too!

  5. Your stitching is lovely!! That little Warbler is so cute and what a beautiful color of yellow!

  6. What a sweet stitch! How cute to see the sweet bird eating on the berries. Great photo Beth. RJ


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.