Sunday, August 12, 2018

Sunday's Hummers

I have lots of hummer photos this week.

More of Rufous than Anna's.  

I'm thinking I have 5 Rufous...

...and 3-4 Anna's including this male.

I wish the light was better to show his handsome fuchsia head.

Here's one of the Anna's females.

She is calm and quiet...

...especially when compared with the antics of a Rufous.

This bird was busy ruffling its feathers...

...and scratching an itch...

...and buzzing about...

...before settling down. 

Back to an Anna's.

A larger, slimmer bird...

...than the short, fat Rufous.

The Rufous do have a beautiful feather pattern mixing greens and browns. 

Here a Rufous shows off to an extremely unimpressed Anna's!


  1. I'm impressed that you can get so many still hummer photos!! I haven't been able to get one yet, they always seem to be in motion! I love all the green on the Anna's.

  2. Gorgeous hummingbirds on this enjoying the time I left with mine here in northern MN♥️

  3. Beautiful shots of the hummers, Beth! We see a lot of the 'showing off' around our feeders.

  4. They are such delightful little birds, I love them just wish there were some here! Have a good week, Diane

  5. That last picture is wonderful!! I sat on my friends porch last evening. She had bee balm and fushias. The hummers were just all over the place. Such fun watching them.

  6. Such great pictures! We have lots of Zinnias blooming in our tiny front garden and my husband said that there were three Rubies out there when he pulled up the other evening. Two on the flowers and one on the feeder. That is the most we have had at one time that we know of. :o)

  7. I love hummers...they are so cute! RJ


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