Thursday, August 23, 2018

Shades of Yellow in High Summer

Design - "Summer Basket"
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 28 count Antique Ivory Cashel linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 18 May 2004
Completed - 25 May 2004

The sunflowers are blooming and the farmers' market is still offering fresh strawberries.

On Tuesday and Wednesday wildfire smoke moved in and the sun went from yellow to pinkish / red.  The good news is that we only had two days of poor air quality. Portland, Oregon and Seattle, Washington have had weeks of air pollution worse than Beijing, China!

So the sun is once again yellow and so are many of the birds.

This male Wilson's Warbler is bright, bright, bright!

And cute, cute, cute.

Most mornings he flits through so quickly I cannot get off a shot...

...but sometimes I get lucky and he poses for a moment.

I've been seeing a female Western Tanager most mornings.

The bird loves blackberries.

And we have lots of blackberries.

Still I thought I was seeing the bird with unusual frequency...

...then I caught a good look at two female Western Tanagers.

That helped to explain why I've been seeing one so often. 

I have not hope of getting a photo of the two birds as they were squabbling.

I will be more than happy to take single portraits!

I have to keep scanning the trees as the birds are rather shy.

It's the flash of yellow that catches my eye.

I wonder if there are any males still in the area.


  1. Summer Basket is so sweet. So is the Wilson's Warbler. :)

  2. That Wilson's Warbler is such a brightly colored bird. We saw on the news last night about the poor air quality on the west coast. Your LK basket piece looks good.

  3. Oh my that is the cutest little basket. I have to find that pattern. The moon photo is amazing. I've never seen it that color before. The Wilson Warbler is beautiful...what a wonderful yellow. RJ

  4. Lucky you, a yellow sun and such pretty yellow birds!! The moon was as orange as a pumpkin the other night. Today we got west winds full of smoke from the fire in the Olympics. We just can't win. The weatherman said we would likely have these periods of smoke until Halloween when the fall rain comes. I was shocked!!!


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