Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Wednesday's Walk

We've been in the 80's for a while - that's so much more comfortable than 90+ temps.

This time of year I'm refreshed whenever I see some green like these horsetails...

...most of the meadows are taupe and brown.

The teasel provides a pop of color. 

I'd think the Cedar Waxwings would be gobbling these berries.

The blackberries continue to bloom.


Pearly Everlasting - hard to top that name!

Dogwood fruit.

A thistle explosion.

Sap dripping from young Douglas fir cones.

Honeysuckle berries.

Chicory blue - it can't be beat!


  1. Thank you for taking your morning walk. Makes me long for a dirt road up the country.

  2. I enjoyed your walk today, Beth. Thanks for sharing!

  3. Love your walks. It is nice to see a bit of green!

  4. I always enjoy taking walks with you Beth. It is so hot here in Florida that I stay inside way more than I would like. And we did not take our summer trip out west this year which I truly miss. RJ


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