Friday, August 24, 2018

Blast From the Past

Design - "Ladybug Picnic"
Designer - Just My Imagination
Fabric - 19 count Antique White Cork linen
Fibers - Caron Collection 
Started - 10 April 1999
Completed - 12 April 1999

Goodness but this is an oldie for sure - 19 years ago I whipped this out in three days.  I haven't stitched on 19 fabric in decades now - I think the fibers were Caron Collection of some sort - but what sold me on this design were the buttons.

I've had some mid-summer interesting birds of late.

I am hearing and seeing larger and larger groups of Cedar Waxwings. 

We have lots of berries - hawthorn, blackberries, dogwood, service berries, and more. 

The Black-headed Grosbeaks polished off these elderberries before the Cedar Waxwings could get to them.

Do you think they are frowning in displeasure?

I've seen several flycatchers - but as they do not 'talk' I'm not confident enough to ID them.

The biggest surprise this week was the two day return of a group of 4-5 Evening Grosbeaks.

This handsome guy was still taking care of 3-4 fledglings.

He led... 

...and the kids followed.  
This is a young male.

See the black and white wings and yellow breast?

Begging... works!

Here's one of the young females.

Father and son...

Another family portrait!
What a gift to hear and see these colorful birds in August.


  1. What a sweet piece with the ladybug buttons! I chuckled out loud over the 'frowny' faces of the Grosbeaks.

  2. My youngest has been called "ladybug" since her birth so I LOVE that little piece! Maybe the birds are frowning because summer is fading fast...

  3. The grosbeaks are so pretty. I guess kids in nature are the same as human kids when it comes to begging!

  4. I love seeing the fledglings! So cool!


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