Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Visit to the Lane County Farmers' Market

I had Saturday off for a change, so my sister and I headed off the the Farmers' Market.  We arrived around 11:30am and the market was busy, busy, busy.

August is a time of wonderful variety and abundance.

With all our summer heat, it's amazing that there are still fresh strawberries.

No surprise that there are tomatoes - large...

...and small.

A pepper variety pack!

Lovely fresh eggs.


Margarita melons

Red Haven peppers

Candice grapes

Fresh herbs

Pinky peachy zinnias

Oregon hazelnuts


More tomatoes

Vida limes

Fresh off the vine!


  1. wished we had a market like this here

  2. Those fresh off the vine tomatoes look fabulous! What a fun time you had, Beth!

  3. I love going to the Farmer's Markets. Never heard of a Margarita melon before! Those zinnias are gorgeous!

  4. Definitely makes me want to get to the farmers market this weekend! Great photos... makes me hungry!

  5. Oh my would I have loved to have gone to that market. The veggies and fruits look amazing and the flowers are so fresh and just picked looking. I know you had a good time. RJ@stitchingfriendsforever

  6. This is a terrific time for tomatoes. That is such a wonderful market!I plan to go to ours this Sat. morning/


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